Can you guess the best time to visit Seattle?

Matheus Such
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Every month, thousands of listings are published on Airbnb. Have you ever wondered what are the cheapest times to travel?

Data provided by Airbnb in 2016 indicate that from January to March you will find the cheapest accommodations on Seattle (avg prices vary from $ 60 to $ 130) and, consequently, these are the months with the most available listings!

It’s possible to find places costing $ 1.650 from $ 10!!

After all, what are your options?

Fortunately, most of the places have avg price between $ 60 to $ 200.

Obviously there are several reasons that justify all these prices but is good to see how they are distributed to analyse your options!

The reason for those prices vary it’s because…

The more amenities you have at your disposal and greater the guests number, higher will be the price you pay.

It was kind obviously, right?

The chart below, simply showns the relation between each amenities avaiable in the apartament, with the accommondates (number of guests), beds and bedrooms being the most influence ones.

Talking about that, which are the most expensive and cheapest neighbourhoods in seattle?

You will probably find the bigger accommodations in Fairmount Park, Portage Bay, Industrial District, Windermere and Aiki.

The avarange price for those regions is approximadly $ 264! It’s good to compare these number if you intend to rent a place in thoses neighbourhoods.

Top 5 expensive neighbourhoods in Seattle, 2016

The cheapest places are concentrated on Holly Park, Gergetown, Reviervier, Olympc Hills and Roxhill.

The avarage price don’t vary to much in those neighbourhoods, just $ 18 from the cheapest to the most expensive one.

Top 5 cheapest neighbourhoods

What can you book?

Apparently, most of the accommodations listed on airbnb are of the type “Entire Apartment / Private Room”, also 42,73% of the listings accommodates only two guests.

And now? Which are is the best for you?

The answer for this questions only depends on your goals.

Seattle clearly offers a lot of options, from fancy places costing $ 1,650 to cheapest ones for $ 10 if you want to travel on a budget!

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Matheus Such

Automotive Engineer and a Data Science entuasiastic.